Moving Mythologies of India | AHT Community Hall | September 2024
Borderless | Draylen Mason Theater | June 2024
Rising from the Roots | Carver Cultural Center | Sept 13, 14, 15
Austin Opera: The Pearl Fishers | The Long Center | April 2023
The Precious Present | Austin Ventures Theater | Austin | December 2023
Upcoming Public Performances & Shows
Performances in 2025
Here. Now.
Thursday May 1, Friday May 2, and Saturday May 3 @ 8 pm
Carver Cultural Center Theater, 1165 Angelina St, Austin, TX
A production of Andrea Ariel Dance Theatre, this multicultural performance explores identity in all its various facets of us as individuals as well as us being a part of our local, national, and global communities. Join us for this new and original work featuring incredible local dancers and live music.
Tix on sale soon!
Love Through the Ages
Bharata Natyam Indian dance with live musical accompaniment
Saturday, May 31 @ 8 pm and Sunday, June 1st @ 2 pm
Dougherty Arts Theater, 1110 Barton Springs Blvd, Austin, TX
Join the Austin Dance India ensemble in a full -length performance of stories exploring love as it manifests in many forms through classical Bharata Natyam dance with accompaniment by touring artists from India including Siva Prasad on vocals, Kesavan on mridangam, Umamahesh on violin, and Houston’s Surabi Veeraraghavan on nattuvangam (rhythmic syllables).
Tix on sale soon!
Performances in 2024
Austin Dance India with live music accompaniment
Friday, September 6th 7:30 pm
Austin Hindu Temple Community Hall
9801 Decker Lake Rd, Austin 78724
Austin Dance India featuring Anuradha Naimpally and her daughter, Purna Bajekal along with students presents a full traditional performance accompanied by incredible musicians, including Siva Prasad, a vocalist from Mumbai, India.
Free Admission! Open to all! Donations accepted here.
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Rising From the Roots | An Early Era Collective and Chakra Media Company Collaboration
Carver Cultural Center | Sept 13, 14, 15
Austin Dance India will be featured in this production along with several other artists.
Past Productions:
The Living Room Storytime
Saturday, July 6th 7 pm
5501 W. Highway 290 access road on the corner of Monterrey Oaks, Austin, Texas 78735 (behind the gas station)
Anuradha presents the very personal story of her mother’s passing last summer in 2023 in this story time for adults curated by Austin’s legendary artist, Amparo Garcia-Crow.
Cover: $15 at the door
Borderless with Andrea Ariel Dance Theatre
June 28th and 29th 8 pm KMFA Studios
Sunny Shen, Ciceley Fullylove, Luis Ortega and Anuradha Naimpally present a full-length presentation of commissioned works and co-created choreography about their journeys from childhood to their present lives in Austin.
Moving Myths of India Performance and Integrating Movement into Educational Curriculum
Performance and Workshop
Tuesday, March 4 11:30 am to 1 pm
Anuradha presents a two-part performance and workshop for this year’s SXSWEdu Conference. Following a cultural presentation on cultural programming, his 90-minute session includes a hands on segment where participants can experience movement strategies to incorporate into academic curriculum in the classroom.
Tickets: badge required
The Precious Present: Listen
Saturday 8 pm and Sunday 2 pm and 8 pm, December 16 and 17, Austin Ventures Theater, 501 W 3rd St
Join veteran artists Sharon Marroquin, Pamela Hart, Olivia Chacon, Zell Miller III along with Siobhan Cook, Sunny Chen, Denisha Adraiana, Ami Plasse, and live jazz ensemble under the artistic direction of Acia Gray of Tapestry Dance for an evening of dance and singing.
First International Festival of Galveston
Galveston Children’s Museum, 2618 Broadway Ave J, Galveston
Saturday, November 18 12 pm
Anuradha performs at this International Festival that features a wide variety of cultural programming, food, and booths.
Breaking the Binary: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in Hindu Mythology
Saturday, February 18 7:30 pm Dougherty Arts Theater, 1110 Barton Springs Rd
Breaking the Binary explores ancient tales and figures from Hindu mythology that provide examples of how fluid these concepts actually can be even within a traditional context. Contrasting characteristics that push the boundaries of what is perceived as female, a poem describing the half-woman and half-man form of Shiva displays gender fluidity within one body, male energies that are intrinsically attracted to each other. And finally, within the Durga Trilogy, goddess energy is further examined in three different aspects: 1. As Meenakshi, a warrior princess who presents with a non-normative body, 2. As Mari Amman, nurturing maternal energy that breaks all barriers of caste and creed, and 3. Para Shakti, the genderless and formless goddess energy that represents the ultimate power and truth within all.
The Precious Present
Saturday and Sunday, December 17 2 pm & 8 pm and December 18 2 pm Ballet Austin Ventures Theater, 301 W 3rd St
Don’t miss this multi-form diverse cast of dancers and singers with a jazz trio under the direction of Tapestry Dance’s Acia Gray. Includes jazz ensemble Austin Kimble, Dylan Jones, Masumi Jones with dancers Acia Gray, Olivia Chacon, Sharon Marroquin, Anuradha Naimpally, Jesse Berry, and singers Denisha Adrianna and Pamela Hart. Visual artist Ami Plasse will be creating and projecting live drawings of the performance.
Asian Family Support Services of Austin 30th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, October 16 11 am-3 pm Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Rd
AFSSA celebrates 30 years of service to families facing domestic violence with a free community event with multicultural performances. Anuradha performs at 1:30 pm on the main stage.
Asian Family Support Services of Austin Silk Road Gala
Saturday, November 5 6-10 pm Fairmont Hotel, Austin
Austin Dance India Ensemble featuring Anuradha Naimpally, Soumya Ashok, and Purna Bajekal perform excerpts of their original production, Breaking the Binary.
50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, October 8 2:15 pm and 4 pm Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth
Anuradha performs Moving Myths of India on the beautiful stage of the Piano Pavillion Theater at the Kimbell Art Museum. Multiple performances and activities will be held all day between 11 am and 9 pm.
Tales of Love and Devotion: Dance and Live Music of India
1. Friday, June 17th 7:30 pm @ Dougherty Arts Theater, 1110 Barton Springs Blvd
2. Sunday, June 19th 2 pm @ Georgetown Public Library, 402 W 8th St, Georgetown
Mother-daughter duo, Anuradha Naimpally and Purna Bajekal, perform solos and duets exploring facets of love as it is expressed in different relationships. Accompanying them will be Sunadam Music Ensemble from Chennai, India including vocalist Rajesh Raveendran, mridangist K Sudhaman, violinist Veeramani, and flautist Patanjali. On nattuvangam (speaking of rhythmic syllables) is Austin’s very own Soumya Ashok. This performance is suitable for all ages and will include explanations of each piece. The musicians will also perform a lively musical segment during the show. And finally, there will be a talk back with audience who want to know more about the instruments, theme, or style of music and dance. The show runs 80-90 min with no intermission.
Friday, June 17th 7:30 pm: Tickets: $25 General $20 Student/Senior
Sunday, June 19th 2 pm:
2. Free for all with registration
Multi-artist collaboration with Tapestry Dance and Acia Gray
December 9 through 12th @ The Rollins Theater, The Long Center
Acia invites friends Anuradha Naimpally, China Smith, Olivia Chacon, Zell Miller, Nagavalli, Robert Faires, Atash, and more to play on stage in a live concert of music, dance, and spoken word! More details to come soon!
Moving Myths of India
Friday, October 15th, 10 am and 11 am
Anuradha performs her solo interactive show for the students of Good Shepherd Episcopal School. Stories, rhythms, and gestures provide a window into India and its mythology. To book your school, library, or museum please click the Contact button on this site.
Breaking the Binary: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in Hindu Mythology
Saturday, February 27th 7 pm Youtube Premiere
Join us on this unique journey through beautiful poetry, mesmerizing dance, and haunting music. Allow yourself to be transported into a world where each individual form actualizes their potential energy and power with no boundaries.
All original concept and choreography for this project with an introduction presented by Dr. Pavithra Prasad, professor of Performance Studies at California State University, Northridge. This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division and the Economic Development Department along with the Austin Creative Alliance and the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department.
Dancers: Anuradha Naimpally, Soumya Ashok, Purna Bajekal
To obtain free tickets please register here:
Advanced 6-Week Virtual Workshop with Pt VJ Pillai
Feb 2nd through Mar 9th
For advanced Bharata Natyam students, Austin Dance India’s director, Anuradha Naimpally’s guru, Pt VJ Pillai of Mumai offers a 6-week workshop in which he teaches an original piece.
This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division and the Economic Development Department and the Austin Creative Alliance.
Registration is full at this time.
Coming soon in June 2021!
HOME: Where Do I Belong?
A full-length dance production by Austin Dance India with original music commissioned from Ashwini Gore-Deshpande. This project captures ideas of home and belonging as experienced by people who flee their homeland or choose to leave as either refugees and immigrants. The project features stories of refugees and immigrants from our local Austin community.
This project is supported in part by an Artistic Innovations Grant from the Mid-America Arts Alliance, The City of Austin Cultural Arts Division and the Economic Development Department and the Austin Creative Alliance.
November 7th Move to Change Festival
Move to Change Festival curated and produced by MODArts in NYC between Nov 2nd-7th features BIPOC artists who voice their experiences through their creative works. Anuradha and her daughter, Purna Bajekal, present their duet on Nov 7th/. Tickets and info
Thursday, November 22nd Free Livestream Workshop
Through the Dougherty Arts Center, Austin, Anuradha presents a free introductory workshop on Bharata Natyam which is open to all! Just register at Eventbrite or Facebook for your spot! This is also officially Austin Dance India Day, as Mayor Steve Adler proclaimed in 2015 to celebrate the significant contributions of ADI to the Austin arts scene.
Saturday, Oct 10th 4:30 PST/ 6:30 CST Marsh Stream SoloFestival
This live solo festival takes place online between Oct 11 and 17, representing the two Marsh Theaters in San Francisco and Berkeley, CA. It includes 56 performers from six countries. Anuradha presents her entire Ardhanareeshwara piece followed by Q&A. Tickets and info
Past Performances
Sunday, October 4th 10 am CST Rasa Festival
The Rasa Festival curated by Akshara Arts, Ann Arbor, MI presents multi-art presentations over three weekends. On Oct 4th, Anuradha presents an excerpt of Ardhanareeshwara. Tune in live here.
Sunday, August 23RD 7:30 pm Sacred Earth Stories
Online premiere of an updated 30 min film performance of Sacred Earth Stories: A Virtual Production featuring the ADI Ensemble including Anuradha Naimpally, Sanjana Aluru, Soumya Ashok, Purna Bajekal, and Sreenidhi Tupuri. Watch this performance (link below) in nature that connects ancient earth mythologies with current climate and social justice issues. Intersectional environmentalism is a term coined by Leah Thomas that describes how saving the planet includes supporting its people, especially those whose voices are not heard.
Sacred Earth Stories addresses the issues of oppression of certain people while the earth is ravaged for the gain of a few. Ancient earth mythologies from three different cultures provide narrative analogies through dance, original music score, and spoken word.
Click here to watch the performance film.
March 11th 10:30 am Starbright School, Austin
Anuradha performs Moving Myths of India.
March 7th 7:30 pm Shepherd of the Hills Church, 6909 W Courtyard Dr
Threads of Tradition: A Salon Performance featuring the one-woman Odissi piece HIDIMBA by Sreyashi Dey of Michigan, Bharata Natyam by Preya Mangalat-Patel, and Bharata Natyam by Anuradha Naimpally.
Tickets on
Feb 17th 11:30 am Pease Elementary School, Austin
Moving Myths of India performance
Feb 2nd Chinatown Center, Chinatown New Year Celebrations 10:30 am
Austin Dance India students perform at this fun annual event that is free, open to all, and family friendly.
Jan 17th and Jan 24th 9:30 am Blazier Elementary, Austin
Cowboys and Indians ride again in their Wild East Show.
Feb 17th Pease Elementary, Austin 11:30 am
Anuradha performs Moving Myths of India.
Jan 26th Taping of lvnthelife interview to be aired in April on LVNthelife Youtube channel.
Jan 27th through 31st Rowell Independent School District
Anuradha performs 3 shows of Moving Myths of India along with professional development for teachers on this three day tour.
Austin Dance India is not accepting new student enrollment as of March 2018.
Blog: Sincerely, Anu
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Homepage Slider Photo Credit: Phillip Rogers